ENVS 104A: this team of scientist/engineer educators designed and taught an inquiry lab activity through ISEE’s Professional Development Program

pdp2019_team10_di.1-copy.jpgL-R: Molly Karnes, Josephine Lesage, and Joshua Smith

Venue:  ENVS 104A, University of California, Santa Cruz

Team Members: 

Josephine Lesage (Design Team Lead): Graduate Student, Environmental Studies, UC Santa Cruz

Joshua Smith: Graduate Student, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz

Molly Karnes: Graduate Student, Life & Environmental Sciences, UC Merced

Audience: 5 undergraduates

Activity nameComparisons of Species Richness in the Intertidal

Learning goalLearners will use their understanding of the relationship between species richness and sampling effort to address a hypothesis about comparisons of species richness. 

This team funded by: UCSC Student Fees Advisory Committee & ISEE/UCSC, UCSC EEB Dept, NSF OPP 1842049
