STEM Practices Assessment Project Working Group and Timeline

The 2019 Working Group Includes:

  • Lisa Hunter (Director, ISEE)
  • Dr. Rafael Palomino (Program Manager, ISEE)
  • Dr. Robin Dunkin (Assistant Teaching Professor, Ecology & Environmental Biology)
  • Dr. Susanna Honig (Director, Academic Excellence Program)
  • Asher Wasserman (Graduate Student, Astronomy & Astrophysics)
  • Anna Lowe (Graduate Student, Ocean Sciences)

Implementation Leads for 2019:

2018-2019 Project Timeline

Fall 2018

Working Group is Formed Implementation Leads Recruited Workshops for Project Launch
The Working Group will consist of ISEE and experienced PDP alums from various disciplines.  Implementation Leads are UCSC instructors (e.g. professor, ACE staff) who are matched with a Working Group member in their discipline. They will consult Working Group member to articulate a STEM practice goal and target course for implementation. ISEE will hold short workshops for Working Group members to introduce the project, review assessment-driven design principles, and review the various STEM practices identified by Implementation Leads. 


Winter 2019

Working Group Develops Assessment Tools Implementation Leads Consult on and Pilot Assessment Tools Working Group and Implementation Leads Develop Teaching Intervention
The Assessment Tools for identified STEM practices consist of a practice learning outcome, an aligned rubric, pre- and post-assessment tasks, and a survey measuring student perceptions. These tools will be generalizeable and adaptable for other instructors wishing to teach and assess the same practices.  The Implementation Lead will review and give feedback on the first iteration Assessment Tools. They will also pilot in a Winter quarter course if teaching.  Revised Assessment Tools will drive the creation of a minimal teaching intervention meant to stimulate learning and improve STEM practice performance as outlined in the learning outcome and rubric. 


Spring 2019

Assessment Tools Implemented in Course Working Group Data Analysis
Implementation Leads proceed with using Assessment Tools and the teaching intervention in their course, collecting all evidence of student performance and perceptions in the process.  After data collection, the Working Group will analyze the student pre- and post-assessment tasks using the rubric. They will also evaluate other student artifacts of learning and the student perceptions data.  


Summer 2019

Summary of Results Dissemination of Results
Working Group members individually produce descriptive analyses of their respective processs and Assessment Tools, as well as their results and outcomes.  Results will be shared with the UCSC STEM community in an effort to support the broader adoption of STEM practice teaching and assessment.