Computational Mathematics, Science and Engineering (CMSE): this team of scientist/engineer educators designed and taught an inquiry lab activity through ISEE’s Professional Development Program

team-2018-11L-R: Adam Jacobs, Mallory Smith, Philipp Grete

Venue: Michigan State University, CMSE Department, CMS 202 course "Computational Modeling Tools and Technique"

Team Members: 

Adam Jacobs (Design Team Lead): Postdoc, Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University

Justin Grace: Graduate Student, Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University

Philipp Grete: Postdoc, Physics & Astronomy, Michigan State University

Mallory Smith: Postdoc, NSCL, Michigan State University

Audience: 37 undergraduates

Activity Name: Ordinary Equations for Extraordinary Students

Learning Goals: Computationally solving for and describing the evolution of a system with an ODE model, and implementing algorithms.

Funding for this team was provided by: National Science Foundation (AST#1643290)


