Giving to ISEE, The Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators

Investing in long-term, sustainable change in STEM education

The university learning experience is the cornerstone for science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) education at all levels and for all audiences. Training scientists and engineers to be excellent researchers, problem-solvers, and effective educators addresses challenges to existing STEM education at the root; and is at the forefront of ISEE’s mission to create fundamental change in this learning experience. ISEE prepares today’s STEM graduate students to be skilled educators and leaders, launching them into careers where they can each impact thousands of college students, including future STEM professionals, K-12 teachers, and scientifically literate citizens.

Gifts to ISEE enable us to grow, innovate, and train young scientists and engineers who would not otherwise have the resources or opportunity. ISEE’s primary participants are graduate students, who have very limited financial resources and often have difficulty in raising the funds needed to participate in ISEE’s programs, though their desire to become effective educators is strong. In addition, ISEE is continually evolving and developing new programs and workshops to further strengthen STEM education. Thank your for your interest and support!

How to Help

Below are some of the ways that you can make a lasting impact on STEM education in support of ISEE. If you would like more information or want to discuss how to maximize your contribution, please call our Director, Lisa Hunter at (831) 459-2416 or email us directly.


Support ISEE Scholarships

The minimum cost for participation in the Professional Development Program (PDP) is $4,300 (registration fee and accommodations during workshops). Participants from outside the local Santa Cruz, California area incur additional expenses, such as airfare. Your scholarship donation helps make this valuable program available to as many early career scientists and engineers as possible, regardless of their financial situation.

Make a donation online at the UCSC Online Giving page. Choose Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) under “Designations – Your Selections”, specify Professional Development Program Scholarship in the "Notes or special instructions for your gift" section.

Support AKAMAI

The cost of supporting a college student from Hawaii in the Akamai Internship Program is approximately $15,000. Your donation helps make this valuable program available to more students.

Make a donation online at the UCSC Online Giving page. Choose Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) under “Designations – Your Selections”, specify Akamai in the "Notes or special instructions for your gift" section, and if desired add any further criteria for how to manage your gift. We are able to direct gifts to students from specific islands, or specific majors, etc.

Support ISEE

Your generosity will support the full range of ISEE’s work. 

Make a donation online at the UCSC Online Giving page. Choose Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) under “Designations – Your Selections” section.


To make a gift by phone:

Please call a gift specialist at (831) 459-1920

To mail a gift:

Please complete a gift form and send it to:

UC Santa Cruz Foundation
Dept. 44787
PO Box 44000
San Francisco, CA 94144-4787

Please make your check payable to the UC Santa Cruz Foundation.

If you want to learn more about making a gift over $25,000, please contact a development officer.

If you need help donating to UC Santa Cruz, email



An External Perspective on ISEE from Inverness Research

“Because today’s graduate students are tomorrow’s college and university instructors, preparing them to be effective, inclusive educators can foster deep and significant change in higher education. ISEE is seeking to break the unfortunate cycle where graduate students are trained in the same ways that their professors were – hence they are likely to teach through lectures, cookbook laboratories, and other pedagogical approaches that are not supported with research-based evidence of effectiveness. In addition, many graduate students and postdocs will enter non-academic jobs, where they will be mentors and will contribute to working environments that also need change to become more inclusive.

The approach of ISEE and the PDP is to develop human capital at the highest levels of education, pursuing the premise that how colleges and universities teach STEM ultimately and profoundly affects the quality of the STEM workforce, public STEM literacy, and K-12 teachers.”