Carnegie REU: this team of scientist/engineer educators designed and taught an inquiry lab activity through ISEE’s Professional Development Program

team-2018-23L-R: Jeremy Chastenet, Johanna Teske, Allison Strom

VenueCarnegie Observatories 

Team Members: 

Johanna Teske (Design Team Lead): Postdoc, Astronomy, Carnegie Observatories

Allison Strom: Postdoc, Astronomy, Carnegie Observatories

Jeremy Chastenet: Postdocs, CASS, UC San Diego

Audience: 10 undergraduates

Activity NameThe Accelerating Universe

Learning GoalsUsing distance and redshift measurements of supernovae or standard candles to distinguish between different classes of coxmological models and use these models to infer the age of the universe, and constructing explanations using evidence.

Funding for this team was provided by: National Science Foundation (AST#1643290), Carnegie Observatories