Boulder MASP/PEAC: this team of scientist/engineer educators designed and taught an inquiry lab activity through ISEE’s Professional Development Program

pdp2019_team17_di-copy.jpgL-R: Tristan Weber, Jennie Paine, Evan Anders, and Jessica Roberts

Venue:  Boulder MASP/PEAC, University of Colorado, Boulder


Team Members: 

Evan Anders (Design Team Lead): Graduate student, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, Colorado University Boulder

Tristan Weber: Graduate student, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, Colorado University Boulder

Jessica Roberts: Graduate student, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, Colorado University Boulder

Jennie Paine: Graduate student, Astrophysical & Planetary Sciences, Colorado University Boulder

Audience: 42 undergraduates

Activity name: Buoyancy (Why do it float?)

Learning goal

Learners will investigate a buoyant phenomenon of interest using a simplified model to:

  1. gain an understanding of density, and 
  2. explain how the density of an object, compared to the fluid it is submerged in, determines whether or not that object will float

 This team is supported by: NSF AST#1743117
