MARC Summer Research Institute Workshop: this team of scientist/engineer educators designed and taught an inquiry lab activity through ISEE’s Professional Development Program

team-19-2019.jpgL-R: Diana Hooker-Romero, Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker, Erin Satterthwaite

Venue:  MARC Summer Research Institute Workshop, University of California, Santa Cruz

Team Members: 

Diana Hooker-Romero (Design Team Lead): Graduate Student, METX, UC Santa Cruz

Theresa-Anne Tatom-Naecker: Graduate Student, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UC Santa Cruz

Erin Satterthwaite: Postdoc, Environmental Research Division, NOAA

Audience: 10 undergraduates

Activity nameExploring the scientific process, microbiology, and antibiotics -- understanding the central dogma

Learning goalsLearners will identify how genetic information flows through the different steps of the Central Dogma.


The team funded by: UCSC Student Fees Advisory Committee & ISEE/UCSC, GAANN
