Cultivating creative capactiy in context to produce adaptive designs for a changing world

The Baskin School of Engineering (BSOE) is partnering with Institute for Scientist & Engineer Educators (ISEE) to launch the development of an undergraduate program that embraces broader roles for engineers in a rapidly changing global context and the need for solutions that enhance society and the quality of life on Earth.






In an era where what you can conceive and do is more important than what you know, the UCSC Baskin School of Engineering is cultivating students with an 


who can define problems as actionable opportunities to create value-added solutions that account for user-centered perspectives to evaluate impacts

Starting with the idea that students learn engineering by doing engineering,  Creative EDG2 prioritizes opportunities for


which focus students on  “how to learn” rather than “what to know”. Innovations in engineering education inside and beyond the classroom prepare and embrace  authentic, situated problem-solving and design thinking. Students are encouraged to be creative, work like engineers and go through iterative reflection cycles. 

We teach our students that diversity of thought and diversity of disciplines matter. New initiatives prioritize student growth in designing adaptive solutions for


and inter-cultural competency and sensitivity to the social and moral impacts of engineering design while increasing their awareness of a rapidly changing global context




The Creative Engineering Design for
Global Good (Creative EDG2) Framework

The creative EDG2 framework is a resource to identify campus strengths and assets that promote entrepreneurial thinking for global good through experiential learning. It features relevant aspects of undergraduate engineering education as follows:


Our Process

We are using this framework to guide case study research, make decisions, and establish priorities. The Creative EDG2 framework identifies relevant strengths and assets of programs at other campuses, spotlights our own strengths and assets, and acts as a facilitating tool to guide information exchanges among UC Santa Cruz faculty and visitors from other campuses. To date our work has focused on:

Developing Creative EDG2 Framework
Implementing the Creative EDG2 Framework to

  • Conduct case study research
  • Engage coalition of faculty & students
  • Develop Interactive Online Platform


We invite the UC Santa Cruz engineering community to participate in the process. Please contact our team using the button to get involved or participate in coming events. 




A Status Report Summarizing work completed 2018-2019 is accessible here:

June 2019 Creative EDG2 Status Report

This work builds on insights from two foundational texts which are accessible via links below:

2018 MIT Report: Global State of the Art in Engineering Education

ABET Fall 2017 Issue Brief

Project Team: Dean Alexander Wolf, Abigail Kaun, Tamara Ball, Lisa Hunter